Reboot… live an EXTRA-ORDINARY life

Originally posted on Kurilane:

I guess this is what happened to me last year… I rebooted… lol
I called it a “shift”… I can’t even begin explaining what happened. I just got back from Paris last year a changed person. I wrote about it in my first post… ” Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Life“.




The message of this short video makes a lot of sense. We are controlled by rules and programs that hinders us from living an extraordinary life. I grew up in a culture where you have to follow your elders. They dictate your future and I’m trying to fight the urge to do the same thing to my daughters. I wanted to be a Doctor of Medicine (MD). My goal was to provide free medical treatment to the poor and underserved who cannot afford it otherwise. Yes, I was pretty idealistic when I was young. My parents raised me that way because I saw them help so many people since I was a little kid and I wanted to follow their footsteps.


My dad didn’t think that way. In his generation women just go to college, get a degree and marry a man who will be the financial provider as the woman’s role was to support and care for the family. I didn’t plan to live in the US but it turned out that way and now I’m kinda glad (after 20 years) that he forced me to be a nurse.  Here it is a partnership where both husband and wife work to share in paying the bills and help out at home and care for the family… supposedly. It doesn’t work out that way all the time.


Another thing that I got from the culture I was brought up in was being too critical and opinionated… and prejudice was rampant. I hated it! I knew from a young age that I was different. I had different views and I just felt like I didn’t belong. It was like a prison. I couldn’t be my authentic self.




I was resistant when my dad sent me to the US. But being an obedient daughter I had to follow his wishes. I said I’ll be back after a few years just to give him what he wanted. I realized within a few months of living here that this is the place for me. I somehow felt liberated. I still felt like I was in a cage but it was a much bigger one. And I knew it was just a mental cage that I could free myself anytime I decided that it was time. It took me a while… a long while.  I’m still working on my “programs”…  slowly but surely, I’m getting there.


Carpe diem!



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Day 330

“If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true were really true, there would be little hope of advance.”

– Orville Wright

What if we all weren’t satisfied with the status quo?

believe-in-your-potentialTake a look at this thought-provoking video for today’s Food For Thought Friday series post:

What if we all embraced Who We Really Are?

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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