Thank You! Award Free Blog

Wow! Time flies fast. I didn’t even notice that it’s been a month already since I started this blog. I was just planning to post once a week to keep it running since I’m busy with school but what I didn’t realize is that I got hooked. I didn’t do anything related to school this whole month of July and I’ve been blogging almost everyday. Seriously! I have 165 drafts and there’s only 52 weeks in a year. Go figure!

Anyway, I would like to thank  Mr. Robert C. Day (levishedated) for presenting me with this award yesterday . Thanks for your kindness and ever cheerful support. Because I have promised that I was going to do this and have fun… here I am! And I would also like to give him a shout out “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Robert!!! 🙂


It was also serendipitous that I made a new blogger friend here yesterday. Her name is Roberta Pimentel (  Thanks also go to Roberta for sharing the concept of the “Award Free Blog” where she explains that as much as she feels privileged to be recognized, due to time constraints it is difficult to keep up with these nominations while delivering quality posts.  Having read that, I feel that after this one, I will now have to graciously decline future nominations/presentations if any. It will be really challenging for me to juggle my full time job, full time school schedule as well as being mom, boss, friend (plus other hats I wear) and provide my readers posts that are inspiring and enjoyable.

The Rules:

  1. Show the award on my blog
  2. Thank the person/people who nominated you
  3. Share 7 things about myself
  4. Nominate 10 blogs


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Seven things about me:

  1. I am not a real butterfly… a social butterfly maybe  😉
  2. I did mention that I’m in school. I’m in Graduate school (MSN) and if only I didn’t need that to earn my doctorate, I’d skip it altogether.
  3. I’m shy and an introvert, but it doesn’t show coz I believe in “fake it til you make it“. Even my friends and staff at work aren’t convinced.   lol
  4. I’m a tiny lady with a big heart 🙂 I believe in altruism and live by it by doing RAK‘s every chance I get. Givers Gain! 🙂
  5. I’m very passionate about life, love, sex  😉 …   and a lot of things. Don’t start asking me questions if you have no time to listen coz I have all day… haha
  6. I believe in acceptance,respect, transparency, communication, understanding, equality (i.e., Gender Equality, etc.), compromise, … what is there to fight about?
  7.  I would like to leave the world (and any place I visit)  better than how I found it.


The people I am presenting this prestigious award to are:

  1. Aishwarya Siva Kumar
  2. My Insights = Lens + Words
  4. Vinisblog – A Walk Through Kaleidoscope of Life
  5. Vismays words
  6. Subhalakshmi Gautam
  7. My Scribbles
  8. My Valiant Soul
  10. Simply.Fernanda


Carpe diem!




Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Please remember to like, comment, share, and “follow” and/or subscribe here before you leave. Have a blessed day!  Come join me on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram. See you there!🙂

33 thoughts on “Thank You! Award Free Blog

  1. Hi!As yoh have nominated me for this awesome award,I would like to ask whether it is an award free blog or the versatile blogger award,because I could see you got nominated for the versatile blogger award.I am quite unsure about this,hope you can clear it out to me.Thanks for the nomination,anyway!:)

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Great! It’s almost always lovely to be surrounded by loved ones on your big day.
        Yes, I did. It was my daughter’s 18th birthday and we had champagne brunch at the Queen Mary. I might just blog about it one of these days.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Giving you heart attacks? 🙂 Don’t worry – she’ll settle down. You’ll be bored of her crotchet classes and her fascination with gardening sometime soon, and then you’ll sit down one day and wonder where all the fun went! 🙂 Rhythms of life – that’s all.

        Liked by 1 person

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