Suits: Lessons Learnt

I love the show “SUITS“, I got hooked from the day I set my eyes on Harvey and Mike. They’re just brilliant! I found this post by JD with remarkable “inspirational” quotes that I thought I should share with my readers. I’ve heard them before and I was impressed but I never really thought about making a list. Excellent idea! I’d say JD must be a bigger fan than myself. 🙂


In a nutshell, Harvey S.,  is a big-time Manhattan corporate lawyer in need of an associate. He hires the only guy  who impresses him, Mike Ross, a brilliant but unmotivated college drop out. He finds that out later on but covers it up coz  Mike proves to be a legal prodigy despite the absence of bonafide legal credentials — with a photographic memory and the street smarts of a hustler.

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I hope you enjoy reading and pick up a lesson or two.
Check out the show, too. It’s pretty good. It’s on the USA network, they just started season 6. I’ll be surprised if you won’t get hooked.


Amuse toi bien!



Pattern$ oF R@nD0mNEsS

Disclaimer: This is not a review and no spoilers ahead.

I have started watching the television shows lately. I know, I am a bit late to enter this arena but I will try to catch up. Right now, I have just finished the 5th season of Suits. Apparently, it’s not suitable for kids under 18 (that doesn’t mean it has any Adult content but they won’t get it). And if you are over 18, I just have 4 words, its damn effing awesome. You can’t afford to miss this one.

The Plot is: a maverick lawyer (Harvey Specter) working in a corporate law firm hires a fake lawyer (Mike Ross) who turns out to be as good as the maverick lawyer. And the consequences the firm faces for hiring a fake lawyer.  The entire plot revolves around the life of 6 main characters. Obviously, it has multiple side tracks…

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9 thoughts on “Suits: Lessons Learnt

      1. I either use Namaste, Carpe diem or amuse toi as a greeting. I interchange it.
        The last few days I’ve been answering many posts so I’ve been copy pasting the namaste I guess. lol
        Thanks for the feedback.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for the reblog of a wonderful post… Lovely lessons learnt… I had watched some random episodes of suits n forgot about it… I liked it, but due to no time didn’t look for it… Now I will try n again find the episodes I have heard by many it’s a wonderful series 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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