#6 Be True to Yourself


This is an excellent post by Diana @ Pink Elephants.
I know a lot of people who are living a lie… who are not honoring their authentic self. I for one am guilty of this. I have to admit I am a people pleaser.

There are so many reasons that a person may be doing this. One is fear of being judged, another is not wanting to offend or disappoint their loved ones, they’re competitive and keeps a facade, have low self-esteem and needs validation, and the list goes on and on. This is a recipe for unhappiness. No wonder so many people are suffering from depression and anxiety disorders.

Life is too short not to honor your authenticity. Carpe Diem!


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Pink Elephants

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You must stand up for what you believe in.

Be true to your convictions.

Bargaining away those values results in you loosing who you are.

In turn that creates a life that is not a part of you.

Result:  Unhappiness

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Learn to live an authentic life.

Probably the most difficult pursuits of being true to ourselves is the parts of ourself that is so different from the world that surrounds us. Different then what the world expects of us. Different then the expectations others have for us.  Different in they don’t believe in an aspect of your authentic self.  Different because it goes against beliefs of those that are most close to us.  Different because it seems rebellious. Different because it seems to threaten another simply by following what is true to you. Different because someone else has an entirely ‘different’ agenda for you.  Visually different than others.  So the…

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14 thoughts on “#6 Be True to Yourself

  1. Thank you for reblogging this. It’s soo true. When your core is so different from everyone else’s, it’s much harder to be yourself. I often think to my self “how is it that everybody else is so alike. Everybody but me!”. This is exactly what’s been going on with me. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “Still maintaining awesome” thanks 🙂 I am going to be blogging slightly less as my husband has broke up for a summer holiday (a staycation) so we have lots of family stuff planned. How are you?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m good. Could be better. 😦
        I have to focus less on blogging and focus more on school esp. we have a big family vacay coming up. I’ll be off for a month with the kiddos.
        Have fun!!! I’ll miss you around here.
        XoxoX ❤ BP

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Oh, I’m not leaving yet. I’m just getting school stuff done so that I won’t have a problem while I’m on vacay.
        I’ll let you know though. I doubt you’ll miss me… It’ll be hard to stay away from the blogosphere unless I’m in the remote islands with no internet 😉

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